Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Medicine river novel Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Medicine river novel - Research Paper Example The role of king describes different opposite dimensions that becomes a part of ironic content of the novel for the readers (Robinson). The photography profession of Will is an ironic situation of the novel. The illustrations and true descriptions of the pictures have double meanings in the novel. For instance, the half black foot woman, and the confusing photographs of the photographer’s father. In simple words, whole novel surprises the readers by introducing different parts (Robinson). The title of the novel needs different perspectives to look. Main reason of the title is to show a connection towards Native Americans and their identity, throughout the novel content. The fictional town in the town describes an approach towards the title of the novel. Living behaviour of the Native Americans in the novel signify the impression of the title of the novel â€Å"Medicine River.† The characters of Will and Harlen have different thoughts to make the readers study. A combination of different characters and their activities make the title meaningful. Strengths of the Native Americans are shown through living in the â€Å"streams† in the presence of dominant cultures and traditions. The solutions of the mentioned problems in the novel make it a clear description through its significant title (King). The novel, Medicine River is a description of a contrary group living who are known as the first nation of Canada. There are eighteen short chapters in the novel. Main story of the novel is developed by a protagonist, Will, in the good-natured, fashion through conversations, and different flashbacks towards the earlier parts of life. The role of Will is very important in the novel, as he enters the town as a stranger and becomes the part of native group very quickly. In the Medicine River novel, Thomas King starts a story of a small group of people by reflecting the nation as a whole. The

Monday, October 28, 2019

Asserting Ethnic Identity and Power Through Language Essay Example for Free

Asserting Ethnic Identity and Power Through Language Essay Week-1 The linguistic ideology at work here is founded both on the concept of the ‘mother tongue’ as well as on the ‘one nation, one language’ principle. Communities on the western side of the border are not interested in learning the language of their eastern neighbors. Eastern communities, on the other hand, are strongly motivated to learn western languages. The importance attributed to English as the ‘language of globalization’ is common to both sides. We can actually say that ‘language’ is a very hot and recurrent issue for some communities: namely the German-speaking community in Bernstein (D), the Czech-speaking community in Vejprty (CS), the German-speaking and Slovenian-speaking communities in Eisenkappel/Z? elezna Kapla (A),etc. The term ‘mother tongue’ is often used – forms the ‘way of thinking’ of its speakers, and thus the different ‘mentalities’ and ‘national characters’ are connected with the use of different languages. Many informants are convinced that it is the ‘mother tongue’ which determines thought, social behavior, and exhibition or control of affection and emotions. Thus the confrontation between languages automatically becomes a clash of mentalities. For example, the German-speaking community in Ba? renstein finds there is a relation between the insurmountable difficulty in pronouncing and learning the Czech language and the incomprehensibility of the words Czech-speaking people produce. People in western communities explain this widespread knowledge by saying that ‘the Others’ need to know my language, because my language is the superior One. We can also find indices of implicit prestige in many interview quotes, like ‘my language is useful to find a job’, ‘my language is more international than theirs’, ‘it represents a symbol of upward social mobility’; ‘the importance of my language forces them to learn it, and in this way they show practical sense, intelligence and cleverness, because they well know that the knowledge of the languages spoken on both sides of the border offers more professional and economic opportunities’. People are not generally interested in learning the language of the ‘Other’, and the reason is, as we have already seen, its ‘uselessness’, or its low value on the ‘language market’. They only learn what they need in their commercial transactions. Europe is a multilingual continent in which the tension between linguistic pluralism and assimilation is quite evident at present. Week-2 The topic for this week was â€Å"Creation of a Sense of Belonging through Language†, which we found very much interesting as we have to present our own explanation, views and thoughts. The topic is about Finland, Iceland and Latvia. Firstly we discussed about Finland that Swedish-speaking people along the coastlines, spoke a non-Scandinavian language, namely Finnish. The Finnish language was to become the most effective medium in the nation-building process as well as the most important criterion in creating an awareness of a collective identity. Language became a defining characteristic towards the ‘outside’ and a communicative driving force on the ‘inside’ within the great diversity of local and regional cultures. We could say that for the process of nation-building in Finland during the 19th century two main deficits had to be overcome: sovereign state structures had to be developed and an individual Finnish national consciousness had to be formed. In the process of spreading a Finnish national consciousness – a development often associated with the term ‘awakening’ as in a religious experience – the main focus was directed towards the common people, their language and culture. Finland’s modest cultural life, Finnish had gained the status of a modern cultural and scientific language. The civil servants, scholars, and many artists, continued to use Swedish as their language of communication and publication. But Finnish steadily gained ground. Many people were already, or became, bilingual. The accusation that Finnish was ‘too primitive’ was defeated by generating new terms, which proved that the language was innovative and possessed the potential for development. In the discussion about Iceland by Halfdanarson. The text tells a story of Icelandic nationalism and the struggle for independence of Iceland under Danish rule. Halfdanarson points out the rare case of Icelandic nationalism, and its non-violent nature. In fact, according to the article, both Iceland’s struggle for independence and the Danish reactions to it were both surprisingly pacific in nature, partly because of the idea of shared past and cultural heritage between the two countries. There are certain elements in common with the case study of Iceland and Herders text, such as the idea of mystic, shared past of a nation, the role of the single language of a social group forming the nation and so on. I think especially in cases like Iceland, language and linguistic identity have essential role in formation of national identity. Iceland is isolated, both in geographical terms as an island in the middle of Atlantic ocean and in terms of language. Although Icelandic is a language related to scandinavian languages, it still differes from them quite a lot. And lastly There was a question that is it possible to have a single language in whole Europe? We think its not possible to have a single langage in the whole Europe as there are many different countries with their own languages from last hundreds of years. In Europe, People communicate with each other using the shared language of their group. The group might be as small as a couple (married or unmarried partners, twins, mother and daughter etc. who share a ‘private’ language where only they know the meaning of some words) or as large as a nation, where everyone understands the allusions in their shared language (often allusions to shared history, to contemporary events, to media people of fact or fiction etc). The ‘secret’ language of the smallest group and the ‘public’ language of the national group are two ‘varieties’ of the same language. Every social group, large or small, has its own language variety, (regional groups have varieties of the national language (as opposed to regional or minority languages) which are usually called ‘dialects’) and there is overlap among all the varieties. However there is a possibility to use English as a second language as use of English gives a considerable advantage to the 13 % of EU citizens who are native English speakers, and to speakers of closely related languages (German, Dutch, Danish and Swedish), over all other Europeans. Week-3 In the week 3, we learned about ‘Language and subjective identity’. The two articles were on Franz Kafka and Simone de Beauvoir. Franz Kafka was German though he never lived among the Germans. He was then living in Prague, Czech. Hence Kafka knew both Czech German languages. But, he preferred Czech Language as he was of the view that one could express his/her feeling in a better way in a particular language. In this case, he thought that Czech was a better language than German to express his feelings. Franz Kafka was in love with Czech translator Milena Jesenka. He used to demand Milena to write him letters in Czech language than German. He belived in a approach belongs to a language. When Milena replied his letters in Czech, he believed that Czech was much more affectionate, which removes all the uncertainties, he could see his lover more clearly, the movements of her body, her hands quickly which almost resembled as they both are meeting. This shows how Kafka prefered Czech more than German. Kafka encouraged his favourite sister Ottla in her marriage to Josef David, a Czech Catholic, against the opposition of parents and relatives, and wrote affectionately to his new brother-in-law in fluent Czech. For Prague Jews of Kafkas generation, language and identity could be painfully dissonant. In Kafkas case, this dissonance reached deep into his own family, conferring an alien quality on the most intimate of human relationships. Franz Kafka died of tuberculosis in 1924. He is buried beside his parents in the family plot in Pragues New Jewish Cemetery. Simone de Beauvoir is a French Women. She was French writer, political activist, feminist, and social theorist. She gave her whole life for feminine rights and equality with men in Society. Beauvoir was an outstanding student. She did her postgraduate work at the Ecole Normale Superieure, the top postgraduate program in France, where she met Jean Paul Sartre. When World War II broke out in September 1939, Sartre was called for military service. He became a prisoner of war when the French army surrendered, but he was released and both Beauvoir and Sartre participated in the resistance, and after the Vichy Regime dismissed Beauvoir from her teaching position, she began a novel about the resistance. When the war ended, Beauvoir and Sartre became part of a group of leading French intellectuals, who concerned themselves with the perceived failures of modern French society. they founded Les Temps modernes as a means to explain their social and cultural views. At the same time, Sartre suggested to Beauvoir that she undertake a book on the status of women, and she published, La deuxieme sexe (The Second Sex). This was her most famous, and influential book. It became a sourcebook of modern feminism, particularly in the United States for later feminist thinkers such as Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem. De Beauvoir used very specific and effective and powerful words to underline her matter. She is willing to deploy language and words towards others, because she knows about â€Å"a manner in which her body and her relation to the world are modified through the action of others than herself†.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Comparing Roderick Hudson s Rowland Mallet and The Ambassadors Lambert Strether :: Comparison Compare Contrast Essays

Comparing Roderick Hudson 's Rowland Mallet and The Ambassador's Lambert Strether One of Henry James' outstanding qualities is that, to a greater extent than with most writers, the only way to really understand him is to simply read a great deal more of him. This statement takes one thing largely under its assumptive stride, that is that there is something to understand, something suggested and promised by, but not contained within, his immaculate and elegant prose. Again, to a greater extent than with most novelists, with Henry James it is safe to say that the real story unfolds not fully in the light thrown off by the explicit story-telling; no matter how elaborate or complete the narrative web, there is always something beyond it, a greater significance that we are pointed to by a constant inability fully to explain to ourselves, at least within its own terms, the story we are reading. Taking Roderick Hudson from the earlier years, and The Ambassadors from the later, we can trace a certain evolution in the way James handled the themes that pervaded his work as well as his life, namely, disengagement, isolation, difference. Comparing, in these two novels, the portrayal of this resigned but not fully explicated isolation, each comes to shed an enormous light into the hidden recesses of the other, and onto James' larger project as a writer of fiction. The central characters of these two books compare in interesting ways. On a certain surface Roderick's Rowland Mallet and The Ambassador's Lambert Strether are quite different. For example, in their respective relations to the opposite sex†¹an important aspect of character in analyzing James' portrayal of isolation†¹the two men appear to have quite different histories. Though he is twenty years younger than Strether, it is significant that Mallet has never married. We are given, on the very first page of the novel, the gossamer-thin reason that upon meeting the "golden fruit" that his cousin had married, he had "then and there accepted the prospect of bachelorhood."(RH, 49) When his cousin dies, leaving this woman again marriageable, Mallet's "fancy", oddly, dies a "natural death"(49). Strether, on the other hand, has married; but, having married very young, he is, at fifty-five, a long-time widower. (The circumstances of Strether's marriage, and the deaths of his wife and son, "stupidly sacrificed"(TA, 114), sound a little like the plot-line of a James short story.)

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Role of the Gods and Fate in Virgils The Aeneid Essay -- Aeneid V

The Role of the Gods and Fate in Virgil's The Aeneid Are the deeds of mortal characters in the Aeneid controlled by the gods or by fate? Aeneas must fulfill the will of the gods, while enduring the wrath of other gods, all the while being a worthy predecessor of Augustus and founder of the Roman people. Of course, the Trojan is successful because he gives himself up to these other obligations, while those who resist the will of the gods, Dido and Turnus, die sad deaths. Juno, the queen of gods, attempts to destroy Aeneas and his men in Book I of the Aeneid. The city of Carthage is Juno's favorite, and it has been prophesized that the race of the Trojans will one day destroy that city. This is too much for Juno to bear as another Trojan, Paris, has already scorned her. And so she calls on King Aeolus, the god of the winds, telling him to bring a great storm down upon Aeneas? fleet. Aeolus obeys and unleashes a fierce hurricane upon the battle-wearied Trojans. However, Neptune, the god of the sea, feels the storm over his dominion; he criticizes Aeolus for overstepping his bounds, and calms the waters just as Aeneas' fleet seems doomed. Seven ships are left, and they head for the nearest land in sight, the coast of Libya. Aeneas's mother, Venus sees the Trojans' poor state and pleads to Jupiter to end their suffering. Jupiter assures her that Aeneas will eventually find his promised home in Italy, and that two of his descendants, Romulus and Remus, w ill found the mightiest empire in the world. Then Jupiter sends a god down to the Phoenicians, the people of Carthage, to make sure they are welcoming to the Trojans. Juno hears that the Trojans are destined to found a city that will destroy her Carthage. That city is Rome, and ... ... and in an angry mob set fire to the fleet. The Trojan men see the smoke, rush up the beach and throw water on the ships, but the burning does not stop. Finally, Aeneas prays to Jupiter to save the fleet, and immediately a rainstorm comes, putting out the flames. The goddesses Juno and Venus continue their quarrel by further intervention in the journey of the Trojans. At this point it almost seems to be overdone: the gods are driving the plot, not the hero. Aeneas has been reduced to a reactionary role as the different factions on Olympus duke it out over his fate, and send either aid or abuse down to the Trojans. Incapable to stop the burning of his fleet, he pitifully begs Jupiter to either help or kill him, so disheartened is he at his arbitrary maltreatment by the gods. Works Cited: Gransden, Karl W. Virgil: The Aeneid. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1990.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Minimum Wage in California Research Paper

Minimum wage is the minimum hourly, daily or monthly wage that must be paid to employees or workers. Each country sets its own minimum wage laws and regulations, and more than 90 percent of all countries have some kind of minimum wage legislation. In the United States, statutory minimum wages were first introduced nationally in 1938 (Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia). The minimum wage was enacted in 1938 as part of the Fair Labor Standards Act. The first minimum wage was .25 an hour. This has increased over the years and the current federal minimum wage is $5.15 an hour (Minimum Wage from California minimum wages is based on their law to be implemented and imposed for the employer to follow for the protection of both the employee and the employer. Body of the Paper The California State Senate and Assembly have approved legislation that would give 1.4 million minimum-wage earners a $1-an-hour raise and boost annual pay to keep up with inflation. The Federal Minimum Wage Labor Law for California stated that employees under 20 years of age may be paid $4.25 per hour during their first 90 consecutive calendar days of employment with an employer. Certain full-time students, student learners, apprentices, and workers with disabilities may be paid less than the minimum wage under special certificates issued by the Department of Labor. California law is strict and pitiless to employers who have improperly paid the workers less than $6.75 per hour. Not only that an employers entitled to pay the unpaid minimum wage pay, but also the interest and penalties as well. But, the right to collect unpaid minimum wage pay does not last forever. In fact, if u delays in claiming the unpaid wages, you risk of losing unpaid minimum wage for work occurring more than three years prior to your filing of a lawsuit. Although there are some exceptions, because almost all employees in California must be paid the minimum wage as required by state law. Effective January 1, 2002, the minimum wage in California is $6.75 per hour. There are some employees who are exempt from the minimum wage law, such as outside salespersons, individuals who are the parent, spouse, or child of the employer, and apprentices regularly indentured under the State Division of Apprenticeship Standards. (Minimum Wage Order, MW-2001). California Wage Law has an exception for learners, regardless of age, who may be paid not less than 85 percent of the minimum wage rounded to the nearest nickel during their first 160 hours of employment in occupations in which they have no previous similar or related experience. There are also exceptions for employees who are mentally or physically disabled, or both, and for nonprofit organizations such as sheltered workshops or rehabilitation facilities that employ disabled workers. Such individuals and organizations may be issued a special license by the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement authorizing employment at a wage less than the legal minimum wage (Minimum Wage Labor Code Sections 1191 and 1191.5). Minimum wage legislation may be interpreted as making it either unlawful for employers to pay workers less than the minimum wage, or unlawful for workers to provide labor or services for less than the minimum. White trade unions lobbied for the introduction of minimum wage laws to exclude black workers from the labor market. This minimum wage law prevents black workers from selling their labor for less than white workers, the black workers were prevented from competing for jobs held by whites although it is the employer who is fined and/or imprisoned for violations, and the workers also loses their freedom to do what they want for themselves. The minimum wage offers substantial benefits to low-wage workers without negative effect. The best recent research shown that the job loss reported in earlier analyses does not; occur when the minimum wage is increased. If the minimum wage were increased nationally to $7.25: almost 14.9 million workers would receive a raise, and 80 percent of those affected are adults age 20 or over, and 7.3 million children would see their parent’s income rise that can make the family’s income stable. Families with affected workers rely on those workers for over half of their earnings.46 percent of all families with affected workers rely solely on the earnings from those workers. Some minimum wage workers remain in low-wage jobs for substantial periods. The best recent research on the economic impact of the minimum wage shows positive effects without job loss. Even the research that suggests a negative labor market effect shows only a minimal impact that is more than offset by the higher wage levels. The states that have adopted higher-than-federal minimum wages have seen low-wage workers incomes rise with no negative side-effects. Over 650 economists, including five Nobel Prize winners and six past presidents of the American Economics Association, recently signed a statement stating that federal and state minimum wage increases â€Å"can significantly improve the lives of low-income workers and their families, without the adverse effects that critics have claimed† (EPI 2006). Conclusion Starting   January 1, 2002, the minimum wage in California is $6.75 per hour it is strictly imposed and implemented by Law to be follow by all the businesses both public and private sectors. In this Minimum Wage law there is the difference between the state and federal minimum wage? It stated that most employers in California are subject to both the federal and state minimum wage laws. The effect of this dual coverage is that when there are conflicting requirements in the laws, the employer must follow the strict standard; the one that is the most beneficial to the employee. Since California's current law requires a higher minimum wage rate than does the federal law, all employers in California who are subject to both laws must pay the state minimum wage rate unless their employees are exempt under California law. The minimum wage is an obligation of the employer and cannot be waived by any agreement, including collective bargaining. And in this law any remedial legislation written for The protection of employees may not be violated by agreement between the employer and employee (Minimum Wage, Civil Code Sections 1668 and 3513). California law of minimum wage stated that there is no distinction made between adults and minors when it comes to payment. And an employer may not use employee’s tips as a credit towards its obligation to pay the minimum wages If the employer doesn’t pay the employee it is also stated in the law that an employee can file a lawsuit in court against the employer to recover the lost wages and it is the duty of the court to order the employer to pay the attorney’s fees, and if your not working for this employer, you can make a claim for the waiting time penalty pursuant to Minimum Wage Labor Code section Today, the earnings of a full-time minimum wage worker with a family of three would earn $10,712 a year, thus falling below the official 2006 federal poverty level of $16,600. Although the federal poverty line is an inadequate measure of the income needed to support a family, this comparison highlights the severe insufficiency of the current minimum wage (Fisher 1999). Finally, the earnings of minimum wage workers are essential to their families’ total income. While not all minimum wage workers are poor or are the sole breadwinner for their families, it is striking how important low-wage workers’ income is to their economic well-being. On average, families with affected workers rely on those workers for over half (59%) of the  Families’ total earnings. Nearly half (46%) of all families with an affected worker rely solely on the earnings of those workers. References: Laws of Minimum Wage in California, Retrieved November 18, 2006 from Minimum Wage, Retrieved November 18, 2006 from Minimum Wage, Retrieved November 18 from Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia Minimum Wage in California, Retrieved November 18, 2006 from ;

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Mafia essays

The Mafia essays The mafia is a secret society that consists of an assortment of criminal groups who are divided into sub-divisions called families. It is considered to be a family operated business; in which each family had its own little private city, that was located within a larger city as a way to keep themselves from being located by the authorities. Each family was ulitlmley ruled by the godfather. Many people have said that the mafia has perhaps one of the best systems of power, more so than any other group or government known today (Organized Crime 1). Joining the mafia was like joining a religion .It was a commitment for life, you could not retire form it and this still holds true today. This was a serious religon, even for the very young mafia members. They were taught basic uses of the sword, knife and rope, in order to murder their victims (History Of The Mafia 2). It can also be referred to as a type of bureaucratic society; in which every member/mobster has there role and all are ruled by one main person. Each family has a division of labor in which certain individuals are assigned a job that they are qualified for and they are each given a title that separates them from each other. The commission is a forum of family bosses that handle the interfamily disputes and they set the general policy for the mafia. Bosses or dons are the ones who give the orders and the family is supposed to follow them without any question. The under bosses are the ones who control the day-to-day operations of the family. The consiglieres/contabile were the ones who acted as the counselor or advisor to the boss they were also the financial advisors and they took care of al the money within each family. There were people called associates who would do the real dirty work. They were not made guys, they just hung around with the crew. They often were willing to do anything to get made; therefore they would han...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Profile of Harvey M. Robinson

Profile of Harvey M. Robinson The east side of Allentown, Pennsylvania had the reputation of being a nice, safe area for families to raise children. The residents in the area felt secure to walk their dogs, jog, and let their kids play out in the yards. All of that changed in the summer of 1992. The residents and police force of Allentown had a problem. For the first time, its east side residents were being stalked by a serial killer. A Killer Is Born Harvey M. Robinson was born on December 6, 1974. He grew up in a troubled family. His father, Harvey Rodriguez Robinson, was an alcoholic and physically and emotionally abusive towards his mother. By the time he was three, his parents were divorced. Harvey Rodriguez Robinson ended up going to prison for manslaughter after beating his mistress to death. The younger Harvey idolized his father, regardless of his abusive and criminal behavior. School Years At a very early age, young Harvey Robinson showed great athletic and academic potential. He won awards for his essays and was a fierce competitor in wrestling, soccer, football and various cross-country sports. However, as early as nine years old he demonstrated a dark side that diminished all of his positive accomplishments. School counselors determined that Robinson suffered from severe conduct disorder. As a child, he was known to throw tantrums. As he got older, he developed a quick temper and was unable to define between right and wrong. From the age of nine to 17, he filled up a rap sheet with numerous arrests including burglary and resisting arrest. He was also a known substance abuser, which added to his propensity towards impulsive aggressive behavior. He detested authority and lashed out at those who tried to control him including the police and his teachers. As he grew older, his threats intensified. Teachers and students were afraid of Robinson, and he liked it. Why Robinson began raping and murdering children and women is unknown, but as far as what is known for sure, it all started on August 9, 1992, when he was 17-years-old. First Victim At about 12:35 a.m. on August 5, 1992, Robinson burglarized the home of Joan Burghardt, 29, who lived alone in a one-bedroom apartment on the first floor of a residential apartment complex on the east side of Allentown. He broke through the screen on the patio door, which was locked, and ripped just enough to slip his hand through the doorknob and open it. Burghardt reported the burglary and the missing $50 from a drawer in her bedroom dresser. Everything else seemed undisturbed. Four days later at around 11:30 a.m. on August 9, 1992, Burghardts neighbor telephoned the police to complain that Burghardts stereo had been on for three days and nights and that no one answered the doorbell. She also reported that the screen had been out of the window for three nights and during one of those nights she heard Burghardt screaming and banging the wall and sounds as if she was being beaten up. When the police arrived, they found Burghardt dead, lying on the living room floor. She had been severely beaten about the head. The autopsy revealed that Burghardt had been sexually assaulted and hit over the head at least 37 times, fracturing her skull and damaging her brain. She also had defensive injuries on both hands, indicating that she was alive during at least some of the attack. Seminal stains were found on a pair of shorts found at the scene, suggesting that a male had masturbated on them. Second Victim Charlotte Schmoyer, 15, was always diligent about delivering the Morning Call newspaper on her assigned route on the east side of Allentown. When she failed to deliver the paper on the morning of June 9, 1983, one of her customers scanned the street for the young carrier. She did not spot Schmoyer, but what she did see alarmed her enough to phone the police. Schmoyers newspaper cart was left unattended, for more than 30 minutes, in front of a neighbors house. When the police arrived, they found that the newspaper cart was half-filled with newspapers, and Schmoyers radio and the headset had been strewn on the ground between two houses. There were also finger streaks on the windowpane of the door to the nearby garage of one of the houses. Based on the scene the police concluded that Schmoyer had likely been abducted. The police began their search and found her bicycle abandoned along with some of her personal property. Within hours a tip came in, and investigators began searching a wooded area where they found blood, a shoe, and the body of Charlotte Schmoyer buried under a stack of logs. According to the autopsy report, Schmoyer was stabbed 22 times, and her throat was slashed. Also, there were cutting and scraping wounds in her neck area, indicating they were inflicted while the Schmoyer was conscious and her neck bent down. She had also been raped. Investigators were able to collect blood samples, a pubic hair and a head hair on Schmoyer that did not match her blood and hair. The evidence was later matched to Robinson through DNA. Burglary John and Denise Sam-Cali lived on the east side of Allentown, not far from where Schmoyer had been abducted. On June 17, 1993, Robinson burglarized their home while the couple was away for a few days. He had taken Johns gun collection, which was kept in a bag in the closet. Within days John bought three new guns, one of which he purchased for Denise for protection. The couple grew even more concerned about their safety after learning that someone had broken into their neighbors home and attacked their child. Third Victim On June 20, 1993, Robinson entered a womans home and choked and raped her five-year-old daughter. The child managed to live but based on her injuries it appeared that he had intended for her to die. Some theorized that he was actually after the childs mother, but when he found her sleeping with her partner, he attacked the child instead. Fourth Victim On June 28, 1993, John Sam-Cali was out of town, and Denise was alone. She awoke to the sounds Robinson was making from inside the walk-in closet near her bedroom. Frightened, she decided to try to run out of the house, but he grabbed her, and they struggled. She managed to get out of the house, but Robinson grabbed at her again and pinned her down onto the ground in the front yard. As the two fought, she was able to bite him on the inside of his arm. He repeatedly punched her, sliced her lip open and then raped her, however, her screams alerted a neighbor who turned on her porch light, and Robinson ran away. When the police arrived, they found Denise alive, but severely beaten, with strangulation marks around her neck, and her lip deeply slashed. They also found a butcher knife wrapped in a napkin lying outside the bathroom door. After recovering in the hospital, the Sam-Calis went out of town for a few days. Fifth Victim On July 14, 1993, Robinson raped and murdered Jessica Jean Fortney, 47, in the living room of her daughter and son-in-laws home. She was found dead, half-naked and her face was swollen and black. There was blood spatter on the wall indicating she had died a violent death. The autopsy revealed that Fortney died in the early morning hours after being strangled and severely beaten. It was also determined that she had been raped. What Robinson did not know was that Fortneys granddaughter had witnessed the killing and was able to give the police his description. Back to Finish the Job On July 18, 1993, the Sam-Calis returned home. Before going out of town, they had the house equipped with a burglar alarm. At about 4:00 a.m. Denise heard a noise in the house and then the back door opened, setting off the alarm and the intruder, Robinson, took off. After that, the Allentown police set up a sting operation and arranged for a police officer to stay in the Sam-Cali home every night. They thought the man who attacked her was coming back to kill her because she could identify him. Their hunch was right. Officer Brian Lewis was staked out inside the Sam-Cali home when at around 1:25 a.m. on July 31, 1993, Robinson returned to the house and tried to open doors. Lewis heard the noises, then watched as Robinson broke into the house through a window. Once he was entirely inside, Lewis identified himself as a police officer and told Robinson to halt. Robinson began shooting at Lewis and gunfire was exchanged. Lewis went to the Sam-Calis bedroom to warn the couple to stay inside the room. He then called for backup. In the meantime, Robinson escaped by breaking through several glass panels on a wooden door in the kitchen. The police found a blood trail in the kitchen and out the door. It looked like the intruder had been shot, or severely cut during his escape. The local hospitals were alerted. Caught A few hours later the police were called to the local hospital after Robinson showed up there to be treated for a gunshot wound. A physical exam of Robinson found that he had fresh wounds to his arms and legs indicative of being cut with glass as well as a bite mark on the inner part of his arm. Officer Lewis also identified Robinson as the man he encountered inside the Sam-Calis home. He was arrested on various charges including kidnapping, burglary, rape, attempted murder, and murder. Investigators built a large case against Robinson with DNA evidence, eyewitness accounts and physical evidence found at his home and the victims homes. It was a solid case. The jury found him guilty for raping and murdering Charlotte Schmoyer, Joan Burghardt, and Jessica Jean Fortney. He was sentenced to a combined 97 years in prison and three death sentences. Resentenced Robinson and his lawyers were able to get two of the three death sentences resentenced to life in prison. One death sentence remains.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

10 Jobs Where You Can Work Overnight

10 Jobs Where You Can Work Overnight Some people just aren’t morning people, but that doesn’t mean they can’t have meaningful and successful careers. If you’re a night owl and just can’t seem to get to a desk at 8 or 9 a.m., don’t fear. Here are a few graveyard shift jobs that might be just right for you. 1. Freelance WriterThis is really a self-owned business, and one that requires a lot of hustle to get clients and prove your talent. But once you get started you can set your own writing hours- provided you meet your deadlines, it’s totally fine to burn the midnight oil.2. Air Traffic ControllerPlanes come in and fly out at all hours. If you want a really highly paid night shift, this might be the gig for you. You might not even need a college degree. One drawback: you might have to alternate your night shifts with a few days, which can take a lot out of you and leave you groggy.3. DealerOf cards. Work in a casino dealing blackjack or other card games. There are always s hifts available after midnight- it’s a bit slower, but also more relaxed. And most places pool tips and add to paychecks as an hourly rate, so the slow shifts aren’t always bad for the bank account.4. BartenderAll you need is speed and skill and you can make a ton of money if you find yourself in the right place. And evening shifts are the most lucrative- especially weekends. Get used to a Monday being your new night out. You could also try being a chef (much more stress) or a waiter.5. FirefighterOkay, so it’s super dangerous. But many firefighters report for duty at 11 p.m. Granted, they usually have to work 24 hour shifts with 48 hours off in-between, so the schedule can be a bit demanding.6. Security GuardGuard the gates of the company or store- 19% of security professionals report for work beginning at 3a.m. Try office buildings or casinos for opportunities.7. Taxi Driver or Uber DriverJust you and the city streets in the middle of the night. People always need rides and the traffic is much slower!8. BabysittingNow not just for teenagers! Turn this into your own independent contracting business. Work while parents are out on the town, or even off working their own night shifts!9. Mail SorterTry a temporary position at the post office to get you through the door. Start at 11 p.m. and finish between 5 and 7 a.m. It’s a great way to earn extra cash- though you’ll not get benefits.10. Pizza Delivery PersonIt’s 2 a.m and the only place still delivering is the pizza place. Take advantage of the late-night cravings of college students and other night owls and rake in the tips. You won’t make a huge amount, but you can scratch out some extra cash.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Machiavelli The Prince Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Machiavelli The Prince - Essay Example oted to Lorenzo de Medici), so that he might get back his administration posts and start the realization of his political plans.  The writing is worth-considering, therefore the given paper will discuss the relevance  of the Machiavelli’s advice in the modern world.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Prince is considered to be unique. It represents a large recommendation the author provides the Prince with. The Prince is given a valuable advice on how to receive new lands in his possession and how to implement the necessary control in these new lands (Machiavelli, 1997). It is clear that this advice can’t be considered as relevant in the modern world, because now we do not solve our problems with the help of wars. Now we have legislation as the main orientation in political decision making. However, for the time, when The Prince was created, it represented a valuable advice: Because how one ought to live is so far removed from how one lives that he who lets go of what is done for that which one ought to do sooner learns ruin than his own preservation: because a man who might want to make a show of goodness in all things necessarily comes to ruin among so many who are not good. Because of this it is necessary for a prince, wanting to maintain himself, to learn how to be able to be not good and to use this and not use it according to necessity. (Machiavelli, 1997) It is clear, that this advice should by no means be used by modern politicians because it can destroy democratic principles, which have been created during many centuries, however the recommendation is practical for the Machiavelli’s time (Machiavelli, 1997). Notwithstanding that the advice of Machiavelli concerning acquiring new lands can’t be used today, his writing The Prince contains many other valuable and relevant advices, which should be remembered by the contemporary rulers: Some people want to rule, others want to be ruled. It is important to remember that some people are ready to work and other are

Friday, October 18, 2019

Coco Channel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Coco Channel - Essay Example Chanel's tweezed jacket and skirt, two-toned graceful expression level, dark dress, ensemble adornments and knitted sack with chain strap remain staples in the design pantheon, and contemporary marks present emphases of them season after season. She started Chanel No. 5, denoting the first run through a style creator had forayed into scent. Professional Growth From her first millinery shop which opened its doors from 1912 - 1920, she rose to turn into one of the chief form planners in Paris, France. Swapping the girdle with solace and cool polish, her design topics incorporated straightforward suits and dresses, ladies' trousers, ensemble gems, scent and materials. She received the name Coco throughout a concise vocation as a boutique and show artist 1905-1908 (Chaney 3). First and foremost a fancy woman of an affluent military officer then of an English industrialist, Coco Chanel drew on the assets of these supporters in setting up a millinery shop in Paris in 1910, developing to De auville and Biarritz. The two men additionally helped her find clients around ladies of social order, and her basic caps came to be mainstream. Before long Coco was stretching to couture, working in pullover, a first in the French manner planet. By the 1920s, her design house had stretched extensively, and her chemise set a style incline with its "son" look. Her loose designs, short skirts, and easy look were in sharp differentiation to the undergarment molds prevalent in the past decades. Chanel herself wearing manly garments, and adjusts these more agreeable designs which other ladies likewise considered freeing (Simmons 21). In 1922 Chanel presented a scent, Chanel No. 5, which came to be and remained mainstream, and remains a gainful result of Chanel's organization. Pierre Wertheimer turned into her accomplice in the fragrance business in 1924. Wertheimer claimed 70% of the organization; Chanel appropriated 10% and her companion Bader 20%. The Wertheimer's proceed to control the fragrance organization today. Chanel presented her signature cardigan coat in 1925 and mark dark dress design during 1926. A lot of her designs incorporated a backbone, and didn't change much from year to year or even era to generation. Chanel's own particular lifestyle powered her thoughts of how advanced ladies all around may as well look, act, and dress. Her own particular thin boyish figure and edited hair turned into a perfect, as did her tanned skin, animated lifestyle, and monetary autonomy. All around her profession, Chanel succeeded in bundling and advertising her own particular individual demeanor and style, making he r a key judge of ladies' taste all around the twentieth century. Chanel proceeded to make fruitful searches for ladies through the 1920s and '30s. In 1926, American Vogue compared Chanel's dark dress to that of the Ford dress, suggesting its practical widespread popularity as a design essential. Actually, the notion of the dress suitable for day and night did come to be both a staple for Chanel all around consequent seasons and an exemplary bit of twentieth-century ladies' wear. The fashioner likewise utilized vivid female printed chiffons within her daywear plans (Feifei 16). Night groups accompanied the long thin line for which the planner was known, additionally fused tulle, trim, and beautifying components that mellow and romanticize the by and large

Professional resume and cover letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Professional resume and cover letter - Essay Example By having such a chance, I would be able to match my profession with my interests, which include serving the needy. During my extra curricular activities, I have established an interest of offering voluntary services to the needy in different health and special care facilities. In the process, I have obtained excellent professional skills that support an all-rounded delivery of services. Some of such personal strengths include interpersonal skills, leadership skills, initiative-taking skills, tolerance, and communication skills. In line with the requirements of a modern nursing professional, I believe that I meet several of what would be needed in my duties if my application were successful. For the above reasons and those contained in my resume, I believe that I am the right candidate for this job. I offer to make positive contributions and cooperation as required of me during the processing of my application. I would like to hear soon from the Corporation regarding the application for clarification. Attached is a section of my resume detailing on documents, certification and

Thursday, October 17, 2019

A response on The Yellow Wallpaper Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

A response on The Yellow Wallpaper - Thesis Example A response on The Yellow Wallpaper The earliest seeds of feminism brought new changes to the lives of women. During the late 19th Century, they began to express demands on equality, along with the rapid industrialization and their inclusion in the workforce. Gilman’s short fiction reveals the restriction of women’s roles in the society. There are various things that the narrator sees within the yellow wallpaper, which are actually expressions of resistance for the unequal treatment of women in that time. According to Hume, â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper" appears to be a text that simultaneously mirrors Gilman's ideological limitations as a feminist reformer, and symbolically moves beyond those limitations† (par. 4) The first time the narrator is in the room where the wallpaper is found, she just described it as a â€Å"particularly irritating one† (9). However, the longer she stayed in the room, the more fixated she becomes with the wallpaper. It is noticed that the intensity of adjectives used to describe the wallpaper increases. . For example, the narrator describes it to be â€Å"irritating,† â€Å"horrid,† and â€Å"hideous;† the increasing intensity of the descriptions may connote that the more society suppresses women’s rights, the more they are encouraged to fight for it. On the other hand, it could also describe the feeling of women towards their limitations to ‘motherly roles.’ When the narrator’s obsession is at peak, she described the wallpaper to be â€Å"hideous enough, and unreliable enough, and infuriating enough, but the pattern is torturing† (15). Such statement might describe men as â€Å"hideous† because of the restrictions they made for women. The ‘ugliness’ portrayed by the wallpaper mirrors what the author sees in her society: the distorted and often absolute roles that women must portray because of social expectations. In the middle to the last part of the story, the narrator hallucinates about a â€Å"faint figure behind that seems to shake the pattern† as if â€Å"[it] wants to get out† (14). In this part, the theme becomes more apparent, as it implies about the women to be prisoners of their own household. As the â€Å"faint figure† disturbs the narrator’s mind, the more she feels that she has to help her get out of that wallpaper. This empathy would suggest that the author herself experienced the same kind of imprisonment, and having known the difficulty of being oppressed, she wanted to set that woman in the wallpaper free. In the end however, the narrator concludes that she is one of them, that she is one of the women locked in that wall. The narrator declared that â€Å"[she] get[s] out at last† and â€Å"[they] can’t put her back† because she peeled off all of the wallpaper (26). The Narrator’s Insanity as an Effect of Suppression By the birth of her only daughter Katherine, Gilman suffered from post-partum depression where women tend to be hysterical and nervous. The narrator of the story shows the same symptoms as she â€Å"gets so nervous† when she is close to her baby (6). As a treatment, the narrator’s husband, John, and her brother, as they are both doctors of high acclaim, advised her to refrain from any kind of work. Ironically however, John sees nothing wrong with her wife, yet he

Write your own topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Write your own topic - Essay Example The basic distinction in views lies in identifying whether poverty is to be measured as a relative or absolute concept. On one side there is an unofficial coalition of government agencies, departments and many private sector organizations who posit their common mandate to be alleviating poverty. This group is in essence socialistic in its support for a highly regulated economy where, significant increases in government spending towards social problems are favoured (Goldberg & Pulkingham, 1999). On the other hand, there is the ‘pro-market’ coalition. This group is populated by both government and private sector agencies and institutions which converge towards a primary objective of promoting business in Canada and increasing trade between Canada and other nations. The ‘pro-business’ group supports a much less regulated economy and may be classified as political and fiscal conservatives who favour much less spending by the government on social issues and decreased taxation (Ligaya, 2007). The difference among these groups regarding the notion of poverty and its measurement finds its source in the way poverty is defined and measured by each of these groups. The first group assumes income to be the defining quality and arrives at a set of poverty lines for both individuals and families for different regions. As an example, the poverty line was set to be $33,365 for a family of four persons living in Toronto in 2004. Thus, families with similar characteristics whose pre-tax income was less than the foresaid amount were said to be living in poverty (Pohl, 2002). The second coalition, the ‘pro business’ group, contradicts the first group by describing their measures to be too broad to be pragmatic and thus deducing that, the set poverty lines resulting from the measures are inflated; thereby exaggerating condition of poverty in Canada. This group adopts a definition of poverty which is more restrictive and their means of measuring poverty

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

A response on The Yellow Wallpaper Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

A response on The Yellow Wallpaper - Thesis Example A response on The Yellow Wallpaper The earliest seeds of feminism brought new changes to the lives of women. During the late 19th Century, they began to express demands on equality, along with the rapid industrialization and their inclusion in the workforce. Gilman’s short fiction reveals the restriction of women’s roles in the society. There are various things that the narrator sees within the yellow wallpaper, which are actually expressions of resistance for the unequal treatment of women in that time. According to Hume, â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper" appears to be a text that simultaneously mirrors Gilman's ideological limitations as a feminist reformer, and symbolically moves beyond those limitations† (par. 4) The first time the narrator is in the room where the wallpaper is found, she just described it as a â€Å"particularly irritating one† (9). However, the longer she stayed in the room, the more fixated she becomes with the wallpaper. It is noticed that the intensity of adjectives used to describe the wallpaper increases. . For example, the narrator describes it to be â€Å"irritating,† â€Å"horrid,† and â€Å"hideous;† the increasing intensity of the descriptions may connote that the more society suppresses women’s rights, the more they are encouraged to fight for it. On the other hand, it could also describe the feeling of women towards their limitations to ‘motherly roles.’ When the narrator’s obsession is at peak, she described the wallpaper to be â€Å"hideous enough, and unreliable enough, and infuriating enough, but the pattern is torturing† (15). Such statement might describe men as â€Å"hideous† because of the restrictions they made for women. The ‘ugliness’ portrayed by the wallpaper mirrors what the author sees in her society: the distorted and often absolute roles that women must portray because of social expectations. In the middle to the last part of the story, the narrator hallucinates about a â€Å"faint figure behind that seems to shake the pattern† as if â€Å"[it] wants to get out† (14). In this part, the theme becomes more apparent, as it implies about the women to be prisoners of their own household. As the â€Å"faint figure† disturbs the narrator’s mind, the more she feels that she has to help her get out of that wallpaper. This empathy would suggest that the author herself experienced the same kind of imprisonment, and having known the difficulty of being oppressed, she wanted to set that woman in the wallpaper free. In the end however, the narrator concludes that she is one of them, that she is one of the women locked in that wall. The narrator declared that â€Å"[she] get[s] out at last† and â€Å"[they] can’t put her back† because she peeled off all of the wallpaper (26). The Narrator’s Insanity as an Effect of Suppression By the birth of her only daughter Katherine, Gilman suffered from post-partum depression where women tend to be hysterical and nervous. The narrator of the story shows the same symptoms as she â€Å"gets so nervous† when she is close to her baby (6). As a treatment, the narrator’s husband, John, and her brother, as they are both doctors of high acclaim, advised her to refrain from any kind of work. Ironically however, John sees nothing wrong with her wife, yet he

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Review and critical analysis of any four articles Essay - 1

Review and critical analysis of any four articles - Essay Example Election process from the nomination, the conventions and elections has been discussed in this book. The Article of Americas Evolving Electorate by Nate Cohn This article talks of the demographic system in an electorate. This article analyses on the population target of a given candidate. The article starts by analyzing the Clinton and Bush election season. This election time the candidates targeted a given population in their campaigns trail. According to the article George W Bush targeted the Populist population, who were compassionate conservatives. Whereas Bill Clinton targeted college women, the graduates and the less religious voters. This according to the article was insufficient for Bill Clinton to conquer George Bush in the 2 election seasons. Over time the demographic targets of the Republican Party has changed, it is on an estimate of eight years basing on the article. This change has then lead to the majority win of votes by the democrats, hence the Obama Administration. The change in voter’s numbers was as a result of the shift of the new diverse young voters who joined the democrats. An Estimated increase from 23% to 25% of votes in favor of the democrats. The article also establishes the Current Presidents camp had a larger share of Non American voters this were: The African American, Hispanians and The Asian voters.The republicans were also into gaining of voters from the democrats strong holds. They shifted inwards south of the believed Democrats strong holds. But their efforts were not fruitful as the couldn’t counter the democrats gain of voters. The Author Nate Cohn goes on explaining of the Democrats gains of voters who were the white Americans from the South.The democrats targeted a given voter population of which included the young white and those that occupied the well educated sub-urbans.These shifts of demographic interests were not for a short period as it was thought to be. The shifts was a reflection of shifts of votes which was for the advantage of the democrats. They were establishing a base of votes which they could use to gain on the republican votes. The Article also focused on the turnout of voters, this was specifically the Republican Party. The focus was during the congressional and local elections. Basing on the article there was a notable reduction in the turnout of the republican voters. A critical analysis if the democratic analysis is inevitable is given in the article and how the Republican Party can adjust in a mind of compensation of the generational and demographic changes. There is an Emerging Democratic Majority, the effect of a majority democratic camp and it is predestined to be for some decades to come. The democratic majority is as a result of the gaining of Denver, Washington and Raleigh which are well educated suburbs. On analyzing of the article, for the republicans to counter the demographical gain by the democrats is by: instituting durable and ideological coalitions b efore a new social moderate generation is built. The article has been criticized on the share of white voters by the democrats; this is because the article has not pointed out the states of the survey. It has also been criticized of partisan comments. Though with the critics the article has proved to be very insightful and indeed helpful in the geographical analysis of voters in a voting season. Are we in An Electrol Realignment? By Sean Trende An electoral realignment refers to

The Piano Lesson Essay Example for Free

The Piano Lesson Essay The story of the piano originated from a time when slavery was highly practiced. This piano originally belonged to Joel Nolander, but was bought by Robert Sutter, Sutter’s grandfather. Although his wife adored the piano at first, she later changed her mind and wanted to have her slaves back. However, Joel Nolander refused. To console his wife, Sutter had Willis Boy come and engrave their images on the Piano. Willis on the other hand does not engrave his image and that of his mother on the Piano but also those of other family members. Thus a piano this family reminds them of the family members. It is a history of several generations that were ahead of them. The piano had on it the history of this family. But every generation in this family has its own perception of the piano. The grandfather of Boy Willis saw this as an instrument that kept their history. He was glad enough to record the story of his family on this piece of wood. However, his son Boy Charles strongly considered that since their images were on the piano which was owned by their slave master, they would never cease to be slaves. Therefore, the piano was a symbol of slavery and it a picture of slavery to them. He, together with his brothers Doaker and Wining Boy steals the piano which finally causes him to die. His wife Mama Ola would later clean the piano using her own hands until they bled probably in mourning of her husband (August, 11). On the other hand, there is a divided view between children of Boy Charles on the place the Piano holds in their lives. Berniece, the daughter of Boy Charles believes that the Piano is an important instrument in their lives since it defines who they. To paraphrase in her words, it defines their legacy. She considers the piano to be divine and would therefore want to keep in possession. Boy Willis on the other hand thinks that though the piano signifies a lot when it comes to history and legacy, it is not important than for a man to be able to have a sense of livelihood, being able to provide for himself and his family and owning something that will cause him to enjoy the same rights as a Whiteman. To him, money is important because it will enable him to buy land than having a piano that preserves the past legacy. He believes true legacy is having possession in this world. The piano too contributes greatly to the theme of music, money and ghosts. It contributes to the theme of money in that Boy Willis needs money and thinks that the best way to obtain some quick money is by selling the piano. He sees the piano as an opportunity to get money to buy Sutter’s piece of land. The piano too is an instrument of music and contributes greatly to the music theme. When Mama Ola wanted to communicate to the spirit of her late husband, she let Berniece play the piano and sing and she could hear her husband. When Boy Willis is attacked by the ghost of Sutter, Berniece again plays some music using the piano which brings back the spirits of their ancestors to fight for them. Playing of music on this piano has been a way to communicate to the ghosts. This is seen in Mama Ola’s life when she wanted to talk with the spirit of her husband, as well as in the life of the siblings when they were attacked by Sutter’s ghost. The ghost of Sutter too came back because Boy Willis wanted to sell the piano in order to buy his land. From all this we can learn that it is hand to get rid of our past. While we can be able to get over our past, we cannot forget. There are things that are like marks in our lives and we cannot get rid of them. La Belle Dame Sans Merci There are various elements of imagery that are portrayed in the poem La Belle Dame sans merci. Keats likens love to hurt. While he talks about how beautiful the woman he had met was, he describes her eyes as being wild. While he tried to love this woman, she wept. While the harvest time was over and winter was setting, he doesn’t sit at home to enjoy it but goes on wandering until he meets this woman. This poem has form also. Its form is steady flow with the first and the third line in seeming to be the longest while the second and fourth line in the stanza being a little bit shorter. The poem seems to flow in every stanza. There is also the element of allusion in this poem. In the last three stanzas, the writer compared himself to kings and princes who had met this woman in his dreams and the suffering they had gone through when they fell in love with this woman. The poem also has rhyme in it. All the stanzas have four lines. This maintains the flow of the poem. The last sentence in every stanza, though different from each other, is written in such a way that is has the same sounds. This poem portrays the pain human beings go through when after discovering something that may bring in a lot of happiness, soon realizes that they cannot keep it. For example, the knight thought he had discovered a woman to love only to wake up and find out that he is alone. In his dream too, he dreams about many others who have gone through the same agony, including kings and princes who have suffered because they could not keep their newly discovered love (Feats, Stanza 10 and 11). Works Cited August, Wilson. The Piano Lesson. New York, USA: Published by the Penguin Group. (1990). Keats, John. La Belle Dame sans merci. (1819).

Monday, October 14, 2019

Effects of Heat Treatment on Seed Germination

Effects of Heat Treatment on Seed Germination Introduction Seed germination has been found to be influenced by many factors. Some of these include water availability, nutrients, light, incubation, and heat shock (Masamba, 1994). In the natural Western Australian environment, heat shock is most commonly provided by bushfires. Periodic fires result in an open environment providing enhanced moisture, light, and nutrients which are conducive to the survival of germinated seeds (Bell, Plummer, Taylor, 1993). There are many species of the Western Australian flora, especially in the Leguminosae families, that have a hardened testa in order to suppress germination until fire provides a better chance of seedling survival (Herranz, Ferrandis, Martinez-Sanchez, 1998). Heat shock is required in some plant species to fracture the hard seed coat which allows for water imbibition, gas exchange, and releases the embryo from physical restraints (Mucunguzi, Oryem-Origa, 1996). Short exposures to the high temperatures reached in soil during fires can greatly increase germination percentages of certain species (Bell et al., 1993). Under laboratory conditions, the heat shock usually provided by fire can be simulated using boiling water. Dry heat or scarification and acid treatments can also increase the percent of seeds germinated (Bell et al., 1993). The aim of the experiment was to examine the effects of different temperature heat treatments on the percent germination of four species of legumes. Materials and Methods Plant Material Four different commercially obtained plant species were used to examine the effects of different heat pre-treatments on the percent seed germination of set sample sizes. The four species used in the experiment were Kenndia coccinea, Acacia saligna, Hardenbergia, and Acacia pulchella. Experimental Treatment A total of 600 seeds were taken from each species and divided into sets of 110. Each set was pre-treated at one of five temperatures. The temperatures were: room temperature (24ËÅ ¡C), 40ËÅ ¡C, 60ËÅ ¡C, 80ËÅ ¡C, and 100ËÅ ¡C. The seeds from each treatment were divided into 50 labelled petri dishes, 11 seeds per dish. All of the seeds in a single petri dish underwent the same pre-treatment. The petri dishes were then placed into a dark cupboard for incubation at room temperature and randomized. Viability Test In order to assess the viability of the seeds collections used for the germination experiment, a tetrazolium test was carried out on 96 untreated seeds from each species. The testa of each seed was cracked before being tested. Scoring Germination The numbers of seeds germinated in each petri dish were recorded at the end of each week for four weeks, along with the species and pre-treatment the seeds underwent. A drop of fungicide was used to kill any moulds that were found growing in the petri dishes during incubation. Statistical Analysis The heat treatments of each species were compared using the chi square analysis, allowing for 5% error. The null hypothesis (Ho) for the chi square tests is that the treatments had no effect on the percent of seeds germinated. The alternate hypothesis (Ha) is that the different treatments did have an effect on the percent of seeds germinated. Results The chi square analysis compares the total number of germinated seeds between treatments for one species to determine if statistically, we should accept or reject the null hypothesis. Table 1 displays that Kenndia coccinea, Acacia saligna, and Acacia pulchella all have a chi square value greater that the 5% error value. Therefore, we can be 95 % confident that the Ho should be rejected and Ha accepted. Hardenbergia, however, has a chi square value less than the 5% error value, therefore, Ho is accepted. Table 1 Chi square values and degrees of freedom calculated from the number of germinated seeds of four different plant species after a variety of controlled heat treatments Species Chi Square value 5% error Kenndia Coccinea 52.90909 9.49 Acacia saligna 39.84615 9.49 Hardenbergia 6.15444 9.49 Acacia pulchella 38.5 9.49 Data shows that three of the four chi square values are greater than the 5% error value. This indicates that the null hypothesis should be rejected for Kenndia coccinea, Acacia saligna, and Acacia pulchella. Therefore, Ha is accepted for these species. It is obvious from the graphs in figure 1 that the different heat treatments had little effect on the percent germination of c) Hardenbergia. Significant variations can, however, be seen in the germination of the other three species. Attention should be drawn to the significant increase in germination of d) Acacia pulchella between the 80ËÅ ¡C treatment and 100ËÅ ¡C treatment. a) b) c) d) Fig. 1 Percent germination of a) Kenndia Coccinea, b) Acacia saligna, c) Hardenbergia, and d) Acacia pulchella at the end of a four week growth period. Each species had 500 seeds which were divided into five different heat pre-treatments. Discussion Heat shock treatments have two primary effects on seeds that cease dormancy. Cracking of the seed coat appears to be most common result of heat shock; however, heat can also be used to denature seed coat inhibitors (Hanley, Lamont, 2000). It is obvious from the information displayed in table 1 and figure 1 that temperature has a significant effect on the germination of Kenndia coccinea, Acacia saligna, and Acacia pulchella. In the natural environment, extreme temperatures on the soil surface can be lethal to seeds (Bell et al., 1993). Due to thermal diffusion, seeds below 6 to 8 cm may be too deep to have their seed coats cracked (Hanley, Lamont, 2000). A. pulchella has developed a relationship with ants to maximise germination. The ants bury the seeds at a depth of approximately 4cm which is the depth where heat penetration and temperature required to break dormancy appears to converge (Hanley, Lamont, 2000). A similar heat pre-treatment experiment (Table 2) to the one carried out in this report was carried out by Bell, Plummer, Taylor (1993). They examined the effects of seed scarification and boiling on the percent germination of native Western Australian legumes. The data indicates that a 300 second heat treatment tends to reduce germination percentages in most of the species listed in table 2. Acacia pulchella is one Western Australian species that shows no significant germination in the percent germination (Bell et al., 1993). This information suggests that A. pulchella evolved in an environment that experiences prolonged burning (Bell et al., 1993). The results obtained by Bell, Plummer, Taylor (1993) after examining the effects of no pre-treatments, seed scarification, and heat shock on 55 species of native Western Australian legumes. It is interesting to note that the percent germination graph of A. saligna in figure 1 shows an increase in germination as treatment temperature increased. This result is significant as A. saligna is a coastal habitat species whose seeds have the capacity to survive mild fires, but are unable to endure intense heat (Herranz et al., 1998). While high temperatures are required to crack the seed coat of many native Western Australian species, germination may also be cued by incubation temperatures that would best support the survival of the seedlings (Bell et al., 1993). It is possible that this factor may have influenced the germination results of K. coccinea, A. saligna, Hardenbergia, and A. pulchella. In Western Australia, heat is a key requirement for the successful germination of many plant species. Combinations of factors, however, are often required to maximise the chance of germination of any plant species. Due to the diversity of flora in Western Australia, more research is required to determine the optimal environment for commercial or private cultivation of many species.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Crazy Lanie :: essays research papers

Katie Lanie transferred to Seton Catholic high school during our junior year. Katie’s reason for leaving Carl Isle high school centered around one shadowy statement, â€Å"No one in that school understood me.† Katie said this to me almost every day and I produced only mixed reactions to her claim. I thought it would take more than a few short years of high school to completely understand a person. And frankly, not everyone cares about another’s problems, especially high school kids—most of them care about themselves and their status only. Sadly, I admit I fell into this group and didn’t get out until I found my appreciation for Katie. Throughout the year I kept Katie’s words in mind and they started to make sense.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Seton Catholic was a small high school, so it wasn’t too long before everyone knew â€Å"Crazy Lanie†. That’s the nickname the boys at school gave her. Katie’s physical appearance and loud-mouth intimidated the young Catholic school boys, but her oblivious attitude caused her to be unaware of this. Katie was very opinionated and spoke out in class on a daily basis. These habits were annoying when you were trying to learn, but they came in handy in our Economics class. There was one word that every Seton Catholic student used to describe the Economics teacher—torture. Then Katie came and turned that class around. Her first love is talking, then politics and current issues. So she talked up a storm in class, eventually strayed away from the subject at hand, and turned our class into a current issues debate team. A lot of us appreciated Katie’s unintentional deeds and some didn’t. One guy in particular who didn’ t take pleasure in Katie’s existence was Mike Reckliss. Mike was an on the edge type of guy who only cared about his motorcycle and class—that’s where he got most of his shut-eye. Katie, Mike, and I had Business Law together every day after lunch. By the time we got to class, Mike’s stomach was full and he was ready for his afternoon nap. But with Katie there, baby Mikey was a crabby pants. On one particular day, we were discussing a person’s rights to property. Our teacher explained that his neighbor’s tree branches were hanging over onto his property, so technically he was entitled to cut down the branches that extended beyond the property line. Before our teacher could finish his story about property, the light in Katie’s head turned on.

Friday, October 11, 2019

El Nino Essay -- Meteorology Weather Climate Essays

El Nino We live on an incredibly large planet. Even broader than the size of the planet are the amount of changes and relationships between humans, animals, environment, weather, and the effects of each. Many times with busy schedules and modern lifestyles we forget the interaction that goes on between any number of concepts or ideas. We fail to realize that a specific weather occurrence in the Pacific Ocean can have an effect on every day life in the United States. El Nino is one of the largest scientific phenomenons that scientists have ever explored. The main concepts of El Nino are very simple and there are many variations, causes, affects, and relationships to study. The main idea behind El Nino is that the wind changes direction across the Pacific Ocean. In a non El Nino year (normal), the trade winds blow from east to west across the ocean, from North and South America towards the tropical regions of the Pacific Ocean. In an El Nino year, the trade winds change direction and blow from Asia and the tropical Pacific towards North and South America (NOAA B, 2004). The changes in these winds, commonly called Southern Oscillation winds because the majority of activity happens in the southern parts of the Pacific, produce many other changes. In the final analysis, the winds are the root of this scheme. John Daly (2004) discussed how the winds produce major changes in the temperature of the ocean water. This is the second main concept of El Nino. In normal years, when the wind blows from east to west, the temperature at â€Å"Sea Surface† is about 8 degrees cooler in the west than in the east. During El Nino, the winds blow a certain amount of water towards the west, thus piling it up and making its depth approximately one half meter deeper. Because of the loss of water at either coast, the deeper ocean water rises to replace what is gone. The deeper/cooler water is the source of many incomes in North and South America; however, in an El Nino year, the warmer water sits on top of the ocean, which creates many tribulations relating to both income and weather. The last main point of El Nino is the weather that follows due to the changes in water temperature. Precipitation follows the warmer water, whichever direction it flows. During the normal wind patterns the rainfall in the southern Pacific islands is consistent and creates their tropical identity. Whe... ...lnino/history.asp. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Washington D.C. Last updated April 22, 2004. (A) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA). Washington D.C. Last updated April 22, 2004. (B) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Washington D.C. Last updated April 22, 2004. (C) Redmond, Kelly. â€Å"El Nino, La Nina, and the Western U.S., Alaska and Hawaii.† June 16, 1998. United States Geological Survey (USGS). â€Å"1998 California Flood.† From News Release. Feb. 3, 1998, University of Illinois, Champaign Illinois. Last updated April, 2000. USA Today, by the Associated Press. â€Å"El Nino found to affect Antarctic Sea Ice.† 2004. Williams, Jack. USA Today. â€Å"Scientists Gather Information on El Nino Impact in Antarctica.† January 8, 2003.

Ophelia Character Sketch

Hamlet is a very complex play based upon the relationships within the walls of Listener Castle in Denmark. Hamlet is the main character and the focus point in all the emotions and feelings in the play. Gertrude (Hamlet's mother), and Claudia (Hamlet's uncle and his mother's new husband and the new king of Denmark) all of these characters play major roles in the play.Aphelia is outside the family connections of these three characters but she still impacts the play with her bubble personality that she is force to do by her father and the manipulations and mistreatment of others. Hamlet has the first reason to be hurt by Aphelia because she follows her father's orders regarding Hamlet and his true intentions for their love. Polonium tells Aphelia that Hamlet will not do anything but be pimp with the girls since he is supposed to have an arranged marriage. After telling Aphelia this, Polonium and Claudia try to have Aphelia become bait to find out why Hamlet us acting crazy.Hamlet begin s with his overwhelming sarcasm toward Aphelia, â€Å"l humbly thank you, well, well, well,† he says to her regarding her initial pleasantries (3. 1. 91). Before this scene, he has heard the King and Polonium establishing a plan to deduce his unusual and grief-stricken behavior. Hamlet is well aware that this plan merely uses Aphelia as a tool, and as such, she does / piton 2 not have much option of refusing without angering not only her father but the conniving King Claudia as well.Hamlet constantly refuses that he cared for her. He tells her and all of his uninvited listeners, â€Å"No, not l, I never gave you aught† (Ham. 1. 94-95). Hamlet has a right to direct his anger to Aphelia because it was her that repelled against him. Her father forced her, and if she did try to disobey her father she could be disowned. Furthermore, Aphelia cannot know that Hamlet's attitude toward her reflects his disillusionment in his mother. Hamlet's inconstancy can only mean deceitfuln ess or madness.Hamlet puts Aphelia in a trap that has been laid by him in order for his revenge to continue, in part Aphelia love and idealize her lover, and her shock is genuine when Hamlet demands â€Å"get thee to a nunnery† (linemen). Hamlet says this to show that Aphelia can be easily controlled by others and not only throwing herself at Hamlet but also letting her father control Aphelia. Hamlet calls her a prostitute that can be easily be misled away by other's intentions.The melancholy, grief, and madness that Hamlet suffers from may well eve been the propelling force for all of his unfortunate action towards Aphelia in Shakespearean play. It is worth allowing that the first of the two are real; his melancholy and grief are not the same as Aphelion's. Aphelia is the more tragic of the two because her madness is not feigned. Furthermore, it is caused by the very love of her life is even more disastrous for her poor young life and possibly pregnancy. They are each malcon tents with no real happiness made available to them given their unfortunate circumstances.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Non Perfoming Loans in Commercial Banks in Zimbabwe Is Now a Cause of Concern as It Is Threatening the Survival of Banks Bit by Bit

Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences (JETEMS) 3(6): 882-886  © Scholarlink Research Institute Journals, 2012 (ISSN: 2141-7024 jetems. scholarlinkresearch. org Economics and Management Sciences (JETEMS) 3(6):882-886 (ISSN:2141-7024) Journal of Emerging Trends in Insights on Non-Performing Loans: Evidence from Zimbabwean Commercial Banks in a Dollarised Environment (2009-2012) 1 Laurine Chikoko, 2Tendekayi Mutambanadzo and 3Takaiona Vhimisai 1 Department of Banking and Finance, Midlands State University, P Bag 9055, Senga, Gweru. Department of Banking, National University of Science and Technology P O Box AC939, Ascot Bulawayo. 3 Department of Banking, National University of Science and Technology P O Box AC939, Ascot Bulawayo. Corresponding Author: Laurine Chikoko ___________________________________________________________________________ Abstract This study was prompted by the gradual deterioration in asset quality in most commercial banks in Zimbabwe aft er the adoption of the multiple currency exchange rate regime. The poor asset qualities were reflected by the non-performing loans trending towards the watch list category.In this regard we investigated the commercial bank credit process with the objective of understanding the fundamental causes of the impaired assets that are bedeviling the Zimbabwean banking sector so that some of the mistakes are not repeated and correctional measures are put in place. The methodology adopted a survey research design with use of questionnaires and interviews with commercial banks head credit risk, head retail and head corporate banking division from 15 registered commercial banks in Zimbabwe.Research findings show that some banks were sitting on nonperforming loans due to poor credit analysis processes; wrong products offered to the clients; lending based on balance sheet strength instead of cash flow based lending; banks taking too much comfort in security; information asymmetry leading to moral hazard; economic environment and political influence. Key recommendations include an urgent setting up of the Credit Bureau; banks should not adjust clients request and the need for banks to consider the economic environment and adjust their credit culture.The central bank needs to tighten its supervisory role and ensure prudential guidelines are not violated. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Keywords: credit analysis, loan products, non-performing loans, Zimbabwean commercial banks, dollarised environment. __________________________________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION the watch list category. The implication is that Zimbabwe adopted a multiple currency regime in borrowers were struggling to repay loans leading to 2009.A multiple currency system allowed trade to be the problem of banks sitting on non-performing conducted using major trading currencies, for loans. example, the United St ates Dollar (USD), Pound Sterling, South African Rand, and the Botswana Pula. Each non-performing loan in the financial sector is After the adoption of the multiple currency system, viewed as an obverse mirror image of an ailing the banking sector experienced marked unprofitable enterprise.From this point of view, the improvements in the intermediary role which resulted eradication of non-performing loans is a necessary in improved financial support to the key productive condition to improve the economic status of the sectors of the economy (Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe financial institution. Continuously rolling over non(RBZ), 2010). A research conducted by the performing loans locks up resources that could International Monetary Fund in 2010, indicated that otherwise be invested to profitable sectors of the the profitability of banks had improved following a economy.Intuitively this hinders economic growth more favourable economic environment during the and impairs economic efficiency . Consequently this new regime. While officially reported, aggregate study seeks to provide insights on Zimbabwean banking soundness indicators do not raise major red commercial banks non-performing loans. The flags, they mask vulnerabilities specific to a fully ultimate objective is to draw lessons from dollarised banking system experiencing rapid credit commercial banks lending in Zimbabwe during the growth, as well as a significant variation in prudential multiple currency regime.The paper is organised as indicators across individual banks. The Reserve Bank follows. In the second section, we present brief of Zimbabwe (2012) also noted that there has been review of literature. In the third section we present gradual deterioration in asset quality as reflected by the research methodology; in the fourth section a the level of non-performing loans trending towards 882 Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences (JETEMS) 3(6):882-886 (ISSN:2141-7024) discussion of the findings.Finally we present conclusions and recommendations. LITERATURE REVIEW A non-performing loan is an advance by a financial institution that is not earning income and full payment of principal. As such interest is no longer anticipated (Van Greuning, & Bratavonic, 2003). There is no global standard to define non-performing loans at the practical level. Variations exist in terms of the classification system, the scope, and contents. This pitfall potentially adds to disorder and uncertainty in the non-performing loans subject.For instance, as described by Park (2003), during the 1990s, there were three different methods of defining non-performing loans: the 1993 method based on banking laws; the â€Å"Bank’s Self-Valuation† in March 1996; and the â€Å"Financial Revival Laws-Based Debt Disclosure† in 1999. These measurements have gradually broadened the scope and scale of the riskmanagement method in the banking industry. The literature that examines non -performing loans has increased as more researchers attempt to understand the major factors that cause financial instability.This trend has arisen due to the role played by impaired assets in financial instability as evidenced by the strong association between nonperforming loans and banking crises. In most of the economies that collapsed, credit risk preceded financial crises. Khemraj (2005) revealed that the banking crises in East Asia and Sub-Saharan African countries were preceded by high non-performing loans. This stimulated research in trying to establish the causes of non-performing loans in banks.Caprio (1998) had earlier presented stylised evidence and found that inadequate regulation and lack of supervision at the time of the liberalisation could play a key role in explaining why deregulation and banking crises were so closely entwined. The analysis of Kaminsky and Reinhart (1999) provides interesting insights on the links between financial crises with financial liberalisa tion. The study found that the proxy variable for financial liberalisation which was the growth in domestic credit as a ratio of output, accelerated greatly as the crises emerged.Earliest studies to examine the causes of loan losses were by Keeton and Morris (1987). The study showed that local economic conditions along with the poor performance of certain sectors explain the variation in loan losses recorded by the banks. The study also reports that commercial banks with greater risk appetite tend to record higher losses. Garey (1991), also concur with the early studies of Keeton and Morris. Garey (1991) found that loan lossexperience of large commercial banks in the US was influenced by both internal and external factors.This study found a significant positive relationship between the loan-loss rate and internal factors such as 883 high interest rates, excessive lending, and volatile funds. Non-performing loans were influenced by gross domestic product growth, high real interest ra tes, lenient credit terms and excessive lending by commercial banks (Goacher, 2002; Howells and Bain, 2002; Heffernan, 2005; Freixas, 2007 and Machiranju 2008). Despite the abundant literature on non-performing loans, to the researchers’ knowledge, no study has been done on causes of non-performing loans on Zimbabwean commercial banks after dollarisation in 2009.METHODOLOGY A survey research design was used in this study. The survey allowed the collection of large amount of data in an economical way (Saunders et al, 2003). Data obtained through use of questionnaires was standard which allowed easy comparison. The limitation to the survey strategy was the fact that data collected may not be as wide-ranging as those collected by other research strategies. There is a limit as to the number of questions that any questionnaire can contain if the goodwill of the respondent is not to be presumed on too much. To mitigate this weakness, personal interviews were used in the survey stra tegy.Data was collected from 15 registered commercial banks in Zimbabwe. The key informants were departmental heads of credit risk, retail and corporate banking divisions. In addition account relationship managers were randomly selected in the survey. The study was carried out in Harare mainly because that is where all commercial banks are headquartered. Data from the survey was analysed using STATA version 11. Tabulations were used to show percentages and frequencies of respondents in each response category, with cross-tabulation tables showing percentages and frequencies between two given categories.Crosstabulations were computed together with correlation test between two variables by using Pearson chisquare. LIMITATION OF THE STUDY The issue of non-performing loans is a sensitive and confidential issue since it has a bearing on bank performance and reputation. To this end, we had challenges in getting a detailed account from some of the respondents. However, to overcome this we h ad to interview many respondents from the same institution in order to fill in the missing details. EMPIRICAL FINDINGS On average the banks were in business for thirty seven years but varied from five up to one hundred and eighteen years.Table 1 summarises the ages of the fifteen commercial banks. Table 1: Tabulated Zimbabwe Commercial Banks Years in Business Variable Years in business Observation 15 Mean 37. 5333 Std Dev 40. 2347 Min 5 Max 118 Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences (JETEMS) 3(6):882-886 (ISSN:2141-7024) From the survey, age had nothing to do with the problem of non-performing loans as reflected by a? statistic of 5. 86 (P=0. 210). Of the banks surveyed, 20% were internationally owned banks and 80% were locally owned banks.It was evident from the survey that locally owned banks had the problems of non-performing loans while internationally owned banks did not have problems of non-performing loans. This was shown by the observed differences i n ownership and non-performing loans which were statistically significant as shown by the of 17. 26 (P

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Stem cell research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Stem cell - Research Paper Example It has been a debate that covers the treatment, creation, and destruction of human embryos. Stem cells play an intricate part in the development of organisms; hence individuals believe that the manipulation of these cells is wrong. This paper will review the controversy that surrounds stem cell research, and some of the answers given about this controversial subject. The controversy surrounding stem cell research is the taking of embryonic cells from foetuses in order to get material to study. The most opportune time is after conception, or during the 5th or 9th week. This is the time the foetus can start producing these cells. Biologists then use these cells to study their relation to an organism, or immediate environment. The controversy, therefore, borders on ethical boundaries (Robertson, 2010). People believe that it is unethical to manipulate cells to find out about their properties. Stem cells are unspecialised cells that can be manipulated into any specialised cells, for exam ple, the brain cells. With these cells, it is possible for scientists to restore, or regenerate cells that are otherwise, dead. It is through this research that this is made possible. Controversy has come up since during the harvesting of these cells there is the destruction of fertilised human eggs (Snow, 2003). This implies that the egg is killed, which further implies that the infant the egg would have grown into, is ultimately killed. Individuals, including some politicians, are campaigning to have stem cell research illegalised. This is through the belief that stem cell research is killing human life. An example of this is the removal of public funding for all embryonic stem cell research. This happened in the United States. The morality behind stem cell harvesting is still a monumental problem that scientists face. In the harvesting of adult stem cells, the subject is less controversial. This is since human life is not at stake (Snow, 2003). The versatility and availability of adult stem cells has made this possible for scientists and biologists. It raises a little concern to know about the legality of abortion in the Unites States. How can the removal of foetuses become legal, and yet the research carried out on fertilised eggs be branded illegal? It is like the pre-embryos get better treatment than the matured, fertilised egg, which has undergone more stages in the development. This is puzzling to most people who are against both abortion and stem cell research (Panno, 2005). If it is considered a moral thing to do in aborting a foetus, then it should be a moral, funded, and legal thing to carry about stem cell research. Some of the answers given, when it comes to stem cell research, are particularly convincing. It is believed that this manipulation may open a different field of opportunities. The replacement of damaged body organs through this research is one of them. Scientists suggest that the damage done to body organs through disease can be restor ed with the use of stem cells. This is through the manipulation of these cells to more specialised ones to perform the functions of the dead cells in the body (Panno, 2005). All this occurs during the research of these stem cells, and this should be a compelling reason to continue stem cell research. Aging is another answer that is often provided to the controversy surrounding stem cell research. The cells responsible for the aging in human beings can be altered, which leaves room for the introduction of

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Disc 11 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Disc 11 - Essay Example Reading this article makes it possible to see that the divine command ethics does not play a crucial role in todays technologically developing world. Despite the fact that moral values ​​are considered to be of particular importance the modern world denies their absolute status. As it is known, the divine command theory suggests that the commandments of God are the only true and cannot be violated under any conditions. However, the realities of the modern world dictate the terms under which it does not always make sense to keep Gods commandments, because this compliance can lead to consequences that are even more tragic. In this regard, a consequentialist ethical system seems to be more justified, since it takes into account the consequences of various actions and deeds of people. One of the most common and rather popular varieties of this theory is utilitarianism. It focuses on the fact that the act can be considered moral in case if it contributes to the happiness for a lot of

Monday, October 7, 2019

Organizing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Organizing - Essay Example Organizational structure makes possible the application of the process of management and creates a framework of order and command through which the activities of the organization can be planned, organized, directed and controlled. The division will function best when members act not as individuals but as members of highly effective work groups. The new organizational structure of the division will be based on overlapping group membership with a linking- pin process by which the superior of one group is a subordinate member of the next group. The superior is, therefore, the linking-pin between a group of subordinates and the next authority level group. This process will arise from the interaction of people working within the division and the development of groups with their own relationships and norms of behavior, irrespective of those defined within the formal structure. This leads to a major distinction between formal and informal groups (Robbins, 2004). Mutual adjustment will help to realign individuals according to their professional and personal goals. It will involve the ability of specialists to adapt to each other in discovering the activities which need to be undertaken. Under mutual adjustment, control of the work will rest with the members of the division themselves and is achieved through the process of informal communication. The new order will be based on teamwork, but some formalization rapidly became necessary (Senior, 2001). Tasks and functions will be assigned according to professional skills and personal qualities of employees, their work expectations and level of expertise (defined on the basis of interviews and questionnaires). Teamwork will be the core of new structure based on compatibility of the members, permanence of group members and the nature of tasks. Also, production controllers will be replaced by production managers, so supervisors will be replaced by team leaders whose role is to help people achieve t heir goals and work as members of their own team. Teams will set up to identify the skills and attributes needed by team leaders and members in their new work environment. Steps to Manage the Transition The division will follow traditional process of change: I - unfreezing, II - intervening, and III - refreezing (Nickols, 2003). Unfreezing A special commission (5 employees) will be created which aim is to identify areas of improvements and find possible solutions. It is supposed that staff will take an active part in this process expressing hopes and expectations, identifying problems and areas of improvements. This strategy is aimed to overcome poor communication and create a positive climate in the division. A loan can be taken in order to update the line and increase production facility. If organizational funs are limited, employees can be asked to invest personal funds into this project (for instance a month pay which will be returned with an interest). Intervening The need to focus on quality in order to improve competitive edge, it will be necessary to invest in employee development, particularly via a new training centre with a training coordinator. Initial changes will be to do with breaking down functional barriers by setting up teams. The concept of internal customers and suppliers will be developed, and clear and interrelated targets will be set for all managers in the supply chain. Training will